Today I spent a vast majority playing. I woke up about 10, showered, then got down to business! Tunes until I made myself eat lunch, more tunes until I forced myself to stop to get the paperwork done for the AOSA workshop in August, then more tunes until I had to run a couple errands, then tunes in the park for an hour and a half. These days feel like I'm home. Like I'm where I'm supposed to be, playing. And when I'm not playing, tunes have been going constantly, on my computer, in my car. I'm looking forward to the day I can say I've actually listened to all of the Irish stuff on my computer (with varying degrees of interest and intensity). This is the calling of the True Believer. I've gone through mini-phases like this, of playing and listening, but never so long and never so intense. It's transforming.
So now I'm at a place I need to keep going. Despite mom's disapproving look, my fiddle will go with me EVERYWHERE this summer, and will be played EVERYDAY without fail. If it means I have to get up 20 minutes earlier than I might have otherwise (and that's a big thing!), I'll be getting up to play while others are showering in the hotel room. I have this most fantastic momentum going, and I'm not going to quit for something as arbitrary as family travels. Next question is: How many more days to add? Off to draw another calendar to extend my current one!